Judiciary > Legislation & Directives > Regulations

GN 45-2015 Second Schedule to Judges' Remuneration Act 1990
Judges Remuneration Act 18 of 1990 Regulations Amendment Reg 5
Judges Remuneration Act 18 of 1990 Regulations
Judicial Service Commission Regulations
Magistrates' Courts Regulations
Prevention of Organised Crime Regulations- Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 2004
Proc 10-2012 Second Schedule to the Judges Remuneration Act 1990
Proc 11-2007 Second Schedule to the Judges Remuneration Act 1990
Proc 20-2023 Second Schedule to Judges Remunation Act 1990
Proc 6-2014 Second Schedule to the Judges Remuneration Act 1990
Regulations to Judges Remuneration Act 5834-Proc N28-2015
State of Emergency Covid19 Regulations Namibian Constitution 7159-Proc N9.pdf