Judiciary > Legislation & Directives > Acts of Parliament

Appeal Laws Amendment Act 10 of 2001
Countries designated in terms of the Reciprocal Service of Civil proceedings Act 27 of 1994
Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977
Demonstration near or at the Court Building Prohibition Act of 71 of 1982
Enforcement of Foreign Civil Judgments Act 28 of 1994
Judges Pension Act 13 of 2011
Judges Renumeration Act 18 of 1990
Judicial Service Commission Act 18 of 1995
Magistrates' Courts Act 32 of 1944
Prevention of Organised Crime Act 29 of 2004 as amended- GN 77 of 2009
Reciprocal Service of Civil Process Act 27 of 1994
Stamp Duties Act 15 of 1993
Vexatious Proceedings Act 3 of 1956