Private Bag 13398, Windhoek Tel no: (00264 61)
279 900 Fax no: (00264 61) 224 979
Chief Justice The Honourable Justice P.S.
Special Assistant to the Chief Justice Ms A.
Nambira Tel no: (00264 61) 279 934 Fax no: (00264
61) 224 979 Email: cjassistant@jud.gov.na
Executive Secretary Ms. S. Nghitumbwa Tel
no: (00264 61) 279 901 Fax no: (00264 61) 224
979 Email: cjsecretary@jud.gov.na
Deputy Chief Justice The Honourable Justice
P.T. Damaseb
Assistant to the Deputy Chief Justice Ms.Helvi
Hilifilwa Tel no: (00264 61) 279 904 Fax
no: (00264 61) 224 979 Email: helvihilifilwa@gmail.com
Private Secretary Ms. I Haimbodi Tel
no: (00264 61) 279 904 Fax no: (00264 61) 224
979 Email: dcjsecretary@jud.gov.na
Judge of Appeal The Honourable Justice S.S. Mainga
Research Assistant Ms. S. Keister Tel no: (00264 61) 279 905 Fax
no: (00264 61) 224 979 Email: shomanykeister@gmail.com
Private Secretary Ms. M. Swartbooi Tel
no: (00264 61) 279 905 Fax no: (00264 61) 224
979 Email: privatesecretary0@gmail.com |
Judge of Appeal The Honourable Justice D.F.
Research Assistant Ms. K. Amkongo Tel
no: (00264 61) 279 902 Fax no: (00264 61) 224
979 Email: namkongo@gmail.com
Private Secretary Ms. L. Basson Tel
no: (00264 61) 279 902 Fax no: (00264 61) 224
979 Email: yolandiedyahoo.com
Judge of Appeal The Honourable Justice T.
Research Assistant Ms. K. Amkongo Tel no: (00264 61) 279 902 Fax no: (00264 61) 224 979 Email: namkongo@gmail.com
Research Assistant Vacant Tel no: (00264 61) 279 902 Fax no: (00264 61) 224 979 Email:
Judge of Appeal The Honourable Justice E.P.B.
Research Assistant Ms. M. Eginus Tel
no: (00264 61) Fax no: (00264 61) 224 979 Email:
Private Secretary Ms. D. Risuro Tel
no: (00264 61) 279 903 Fax no: (00264 61) 224
979 Email: jrisuro@gmail.com
Registrar Ms. E.E. Schickerling Tel
no: (00264 61) 435 3005 Fax no: (00264 61) 224
979 Email:
Deputy Registrar Mr S. Kandunda Tel no: (00264 61) 292 932 Fax no: (00264
61) 221 1686 Email: sebastiankandunda@yahoo.com
Assistant Registrar Mr. J. Libana Tel
no: (00264 61) 279 919 Fax no: (00264 61) 224
979 Email: AssistantRegistrarSC@jud.gov.na
Supreme Court Library Tel no: (00264
61) 279 909 Fax no: (00264 61) 224 979 Email:
Main Division Private Bag 13179, Windhoek
Tel (00264 61) 435 3000 Fax (00264 61) 435
3106 Northern Local Division
Private Bag 5527, Oshakati Namibia Tel
(00264 65) 223 6500 Fax (00264 65) 223 6555
Judge President The Honourable Justice P.T. Damaseb
Assistant to the Judge President Ms. Helvi Hilifilwa Tel no: (00264 61) 435 3025 Email: Helvi.Hilifilwa@jud.gov.na
Private Secretary Ms. E. Polloni Tel no: (00264 61) 435 3001 Email: Elizabeth.Ronde@jud.gov.na
Deputy Judge President The Honourable Justice E.H.T. Angula
Assistant to the Deputy Judge President Ms. Michelle Jagger Tel no: (00264 61) 435 3007 Email: jagger.melissa@gmail.com
Private Secretary Ms. Elisia Simon Tel no: (00264 61) 435 3007 Email: Elisia.Simon@jud.gov.na
Registrar Ms. E.E. Schickerling Tel no: (00264 61) 435 3005 Email: cr@jud.gov.na
High Court Judge The Honourable Justice Ndauendapo N.J
Assistant Ms. Lisa Simwanza Tel no: (00264 61) 435 3009 Email:
Private Secritary Ms. Loide Shilongo Tel no: (00264 61) 435 3009 Email:
High Court Judge The Honourable Justice Shivute N, J
Assistant Ms. Patience Brendell Tel no: (00264 61) 435 3070 Email: patiencechantel@gmail.com
Private Secritary Ms. Victoria Sem Tel no: (00264 61) 435 3018 Email:
High Court Judge The Honourable Justice Ueitele S, J
Assistant Ms. Normadine Cloete Tel no: (00264 61) 435 3237 Email: cloetenormadine@gmail.com
Private Secritary Ms. Katleen Jod Tel no: (00264 61) 435 3235 Email: Katleen.Jod@jud.gov.na
High Court Judge The Honourable Justice January H, J
Assistant Ms. Michelle Ulrich Tel no: Email: michelleulrich9@gmail.com
Private Secretary Ms. Delila Konstantin Tel no: Email: delilatulelakonstantin@gmail.com
High Court Judge The Honourable Justice Usiku D, J
Assistant Ms. Emilia Mulunga Tel no: (00264 61) 435 3201 Email: emiliamulunga@gmail.com
Private Secretary Ms. Olga Muleka Tel no: (00264 61) 435 2101 Email: olga.muleke@jud.gov.na
High Court Judge The Honourable Justice Masuku T, J
Assistant Ms. Veronika Jakob Tel no: (00264 61) 435 3008 Email: veronikajakob125@gmail.com
Private Secretary Ms. Aune Victor Tel no: (00264 61) 4353008 Email: aunevictor@yahoo.com
High Court Judge The Honourable Justice Oosthuizen H, J
Assistant Ms. Mwaka Lushetile Tel no: (00264 61) 222 876 Email: mwaka.sinchembe@gmail.com
Private Secretary Ms. Rosa Iiteta Tel no: (00264 61) 222 876 Email: itrosa.90@gmail.com
High Court Judge The Honourable Justice Usiku B, J
Assistant Ms. Redempta Uwamahoro Tel no: (00264 61) 4353069 Email: uwamahororedempta@gmail.com
Private Secretary Ms. Selma Nambahu Tel no: (00264 61) 4353015 Email: tutuminast@yahoo.ca
High Court Judge The Honourable Justice Prinsloo H, J
Assistant Ms. Jennifer Ndjadjila Tel no: (00264 61) 4353017 Email: Jennifer.Ndjadila-Gaes@jud.gov.na
Private Secretary Ms. Martha Ndipolifa Tel no: (00264 61) 4353016 Email: Martha.Ndipolifa@jud.gov.na
High Court Judge The Honourable Justice Classen C, J
Assistant Ms. Liana Cloete Tel no: (00264 61) Email: Jennifer.Ndjadila-Gaes@jud.gov.na
Private Secretary
Tel no: Email:
High Court Judge The Honourable Justice Rakow E, J
Assistant Ms. Hazel Davids Tel no: (00264 61) 4353061 Email: Hazel.Davids@jud.gov.na
Private Secretary Ms. Selma Nambahu Tel no: (00264 61) 4353061 Email: tutuminast@yahoo.ca
High Court Judge The Honourable Justice Sibeya O, J
Assistant Ms. Pafnutia Booysen Tel no: (00264 61) 4353060 Email: booysenpafnutia16@gmail.com
Private Secretary Ms. Debby Nakashimba Tel no: (00264 61) Email: Ndeyapo.nakashimba@jud.gov.na
High Court Judge The Honourable Justice Schimming-Chase J
Assistant Ms. Dean-Marlo Titus Tel no: (00264 61) 4353236 Email: Dean-Marlo.Titus@jud.gov.na
Private Secretary Ms. Katleen Jod Tel no: (00264 61) 4353237 Email: Katleen.Jod@jud.gov.na
High Court Judge The Honourable Justice Coleman G, J
Assistant Ms. Sophia Hawala Tel no: (00264 61) 222874 Email: Sophia.Hawala@jud.gov.na
Private Secretary Ms. Rosa Iiteta Tel no: (00264 61) 4353250 Email: itrosa.90@gmail.com
High Court Judge The Honourable Justice Parker C, AJ
Assistant Ms. Faith Du Plessis Tel no: (00264 61) 4353060 Email: Faith.DuPlessis@jud.gov.na
Private Secretary Ms. Elisia Simon Tel no: (00264 61) 4353007 Email: Elisia.Simon@jud.gov.na
High Court Judge The Honourable Justice Christiaan P, J
Assistant Ms. Hira Katjepunda Tel no: (00264 61) Email: Hira.Katjepunda@jud.gov.na
Private Secretary Ms. Martha Ndipolifa Tel no: (00264 61) 4353016 Email: Martha.Ndipolifa@jud.gov.na
High Court Judge The Honourable Justice De Jager B, J
Assistant Ms. Monika Hainghumbi Tel no: (00264 61) 4353250 Email: Monika.Hainghumbi@jud.gov.na
Private Secretary Ms. Rosa Iiteta Tel no: (00264 61) 4353250 Email: itrosa.90@gmail.com
High Court Judge The Honourable Justice Chinhengu M, AJ
Assistant Ms. Bregitha Coetzee Tel no: (00264 61) 4353060 Email: bregithacoetzee14@gmail.com
Private Secretary Ms. Olga Muleka Tel no: (00264 61) 4353201 Email: Olga Muleka
Deputy Registrar Ms. Susan Hinda Tel no: (00264 61) 4353028 Email: Susan.Hinda@jud.gov.na
Chief Legal Officer: Registry Nicole January Tel no: (00264 61) 435 3027 Email: Nicole.Januarie@jud.gov.na
Chief Legal Officer: Judicial Support VACANT Tel no: Email:
Chief Legal Officer: Mediation Bernadine Mynhardt Tel no: (00264 61) 4353065 Email: mediation.namibia@gmail.com
High Court Judge The Honourable Justice Salionga, J
Assistant VACANT Tel no: Email:
Private Secretary Lydia Kuugongwela Tel no: (00264 61) 233 6502 Email: ikkambonde@gmail.com
High Court Judge The Honourable Justice Munsu, J
Assistant Rosalia Thomas Tel no: (00264 61) 223 6532 Email: rosaliathomas18@gmail.com
Private Secretary Liinekela Haimbili Tel no: (00264 61) 233 6502 Email:
High Court Judge The Honourable Justice Kesslau, J
Assistant Liinekela Haimbili Tel no: (00264 61) 233 6719 Email: Liinekela.Haimbili2jud.gov.na
Private Secretary Hileni Shavuka Tel no: (00264 61) 223 6501 Email: Hileni.Shavuka@jud.gov.na
Deputy Registrar
Tel no: Email: